Thursday, April 20, 2017

Star Trek: USS Excalibur Update X

I'd say most of the modeling is finished now... moving on to the dreaded UVW unwrapping and decal work. Also someone asked me the relative sizes of the Excalibur and the Pandemus, so there's a pic of that as well...

Monday, April 17, 2017

Star Trek: USS Excalibur Update IX

Got some lights turned on in those windows. Still working on mystery stuff for behind the windows to make it look lived-in. Just a few more windows to add on the primary hull and then I'll start working on decals and the dreaded UVW maps.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Star Trek: USS Excalibur Update VIII

Got most of the windows cut in now, except for the primary hull, just the rim windows left, then I have to light them and start working on decals. I think I'll stick with the TOS boomerang emblem and lettering, depends how it looks when it's all put together. Here's pics...