Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Star Wars: Inundator Class Light Cruiser Update IV

After some feedback at I went ahead and trimmed back the parts on the conning tower. Also got a little more greebling done I'm working on the guns right now, adding another layer of detail. More pics at some point lol...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Star Wars: Persecutor Class Command Ship

Digging out another old model to rebuild. I'm just eyeballing this behemoth so the new model would best be described as slightly less inaccurate than my original lol. All I've got so far is the top and bottom portions of the hull and the rest of it is going to take a good great deal of time. Since it won't be an exact copy of the Executor, I'm going to name this one the Persecutor. And here's pics...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Star Wars: Inundator Class Light Cruiser Update III

The latest, progress has slowed because of a busy weekend, hopefully I'll be able to get back on track and have the top finished by the end of next weekend. I'm considering where to place a hangar bay. Nothing too elaborate, just enough for some fighters and shuttles, I'll leave the landing craft etc to the Imperator Star Destroyers. Starting off with a couple of pics to show the difference in size between this and my Tormentor Class, which is itself still smaller than an Imperator Class.