Friday, November 2, 2012

Star Wars: Tormentor Class Imperial Battlecruiser Update XIV

Got some work done on the engine section, mostly on the small auxiliary engines. Added a few more bits to the front of the superstructure and did a little more with the hangar. I've kinda stalled on the hangar though, the floor is giving me trouble, not getting the reflections I want, but I'm not going to tinker with it too much longer, I still have the AT-AT bays to finish and I have to finish out the forward portion of the bay. I've decided I'll have two bays (one on either side) in the side trenches. Those will be for bombers, interceptors or anything else that doesn't fit in the regular TIE bay. Next post is going to be Indundator related, and then I'm going to post some fighter stuff. Anyway, here's pics...