Friday, December 30, 2011

Star Trek - USS Pandemus

There was a discussion over at TrekBBS regarding shuttle carriers and I started sketching some ideas. Well I soon drifted away from a carrier and ended up with this that I'm classifying as a repair ship. The big open bay will have doors eventually and that will be where most of the repair work would be completed. I figure that parts that are too big to fit would likely be repaired in place or the ship would have to be towed to a dockyard. The smaller cut out towards the front of the cylindrical section would be for breaking down debris that can be reconstituted into useful parts. As with all the stuff I post it's still under construction.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Star Trek: USS Bold Fury - Deck Plans

Working on a cutaway view of this ship. Trying my hand at Inkscape since I don't have the fundage for Illustrator. So far so good I think...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Star Trek: USS Edward Teller NX-27CLN Update

Got some more texture work done. Still trying to keep it subtle and yet have something there to break up the expanse of the primary hull. I'm going to add in some hatches here and there but I don't plan on any grid lines. I never really much cared for the view of the ship from the front, but this second pic here doesn't look half bad.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Star Trek: USS Edward Teller NX-27CLN Update

So I've done some more work on this one, just to break the monotony I switch back and forth between my models. I was never happy with the bridge on this thing but now I think I've struck more of happy medium between Ralph McQuarrie and more tradition Trek designs. I'm still tinkering with it. The dish telescopes out of the housing and the dome reverses itself to become the dish. That might be confusing to read but, yeah...

Oh yeah, I've gotten a couple of e-mails (which I haven't yet answered, I'm sorry) asking where's all the Star Wars stuff? I'm going to put it up, I swear, I've just been busy. I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!

So here's the pics...

Friday, August 26, 2011

TrekBBS August Challenge Update

Did a little more work on this, added some of the usual TOS decoration and piping.  Also started to work out the interior of one of the booths.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

TrekBBS August Challenge

Another art contest challenge, just a model of the deck 7 visicom lounge...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Star Trek: Star Stallion Shuttle Update

A small update to the boarding shuttle. Had some computer issues but I'm getting back to work on stuff...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Star Trek: Bold Fury Class Corvette - Update 7-8-11

Another update to the corvette, this time its shuttle. This is a Star Stallion shuttle/boarding craft. This is just the "rough sketch" version. I'll come up with some stats on this later...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Star Trek: Bold Fury Class Corvette

Still working on this little guy. Reworked the warp engine texture and reworked the pennant, similar to the U.S. Coast Guard pennant. Added some hangar bay details, and made an open version of the door. If I get real ambitious I might even make the door animated to open a close, we'll see...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Star Wars: Prowler Personal Shuttle WIP

Revamping another of my old models from the old site. Here was the original description:
"The Prowler shuttles were conceived as a personal craft for a ship or base commander. However they have found an expanded role as a survey and reconnaissance craft. In their expanded configuration sensor packages are added on either side of the vertical stabilizer."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Star Trek: TOS - Avanti Shuttle

Based on a concept painting of the shuttle from the original series designed by Thomas Kellogg. A work in progress, this is just a test run, a more detailed version is in the works.

Monday, May 16, 2011

TrekBBS: May Art Challenge Entry

I don't usually enter contests but this one seemed interesting so I thought I'd give it a try. The challenge was to show the concept of freedom in the Star Trek universe. So here's what I came up with.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Star Trek: USS Edward Teller NX-27CLN

The textured version of my Planet of the Titans Enterprise model. Still a work in progress

Star Trek: Planet of the Titans

I've been working on this monster for years. This is based on the Ralph McQuarrie concept work for the movie that never was, Planet of the Titans. There's some good articles about the movie over at Forgotten Trek. This is about as far as I went with this model as a USS Enterprise version. I've continued working on it as the USS Edward Teller and currently I'm finishing texturing the big girl.

Star Wars: TIE Predator

I got a lot of positive feedback on this model when I first published it to the original site. Now that I've learned a bit more about 3D modeling, I decided to revamp the old model. Here's the old description...

"The Type 707 TIE Predator is a dedicated ground support fighter built specifically to operate in atmosphere. Although it can operate in space it is much slower than even the older 610B Stinger. In atmosphere speeds are comparable to most fighters, however, the fighters main purpose is to attack much slower moving ground targets,  not aerial combat. The bulk of these fighters are assigned to the Legions and fall under the control of the Imperial Army."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Battlestar Galactica: Galactica Redesign

Decided to try my hand at some Galactica work. As with all of my models, it's my take on the model and not a part for part re-creation. These are just the first sketches, lots more detail to add...

Star Trek: Ship Recognition Chart

Made a comparison chart of most of my Star Trek ships together, which makes one MASSIVE 3ds max file lol... got everything named and categorized with measurements. Everything had been built roughly to scale to begin with, except the Edward Teller, which I had to tweak to get it more correct in comparison to the others.