Saturday, April 28, 2012

Star Wars: Tormentor Class Imperial Battlecruiser Update VI

What? Another greeble update, I know but that's all I've had time to do lately but I am making some decent progress. I'll try to break up the monotony with the next post though. So yeah, still more greebles but I'm almost half done with the gun belt and then I'm going to tackle the engine section, which will mean more greebles (I'm sorry)...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Star Wars: Tormentor Class Imperial Battlecruiser Update V

Did some more refining on the panels and I'm taking another pass at the gun belt details. I decided I might like some closeup views looking out from the gun belt at some passing fighters or such and for that I'm going to need a whole lot more greebling...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Star Wars: Imperial TIE Avatar Update V

Got some more details stuck on here and there, most of the work was done on the wing struts and wing, still a ridiculous amount to finish but I'm making some progress this weekend.

Star Wars: Tormentor Class Imperial Battlecruiser Update IV

So recently (yesterday), I rendered these two pics of my Tormentor SD and at long last I am happy with my panel lines.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Star Wars: Imperial TIE Predator - Hiding in the dust

Just playing with model and some volume lighting which didn't turn out the way I intended, but was cool in and of itself...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Star Wars: Imperial TIE Avatar Update IV

Had some time to work on this today and added a few bits of detail. Also I recently rebuilt the cockpit window and the fuselage because there were a few mesh errors that I missed earlier on. Work continues...